
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Chapter 803

Ah, Cabbage never fails to impress me with his hilarious fanboyism over the Straw-hats. He even worships their ship xD

Luffy... is too forgetful, he forgot what Caesar's name is! Sure, Luffy, sure. He's now known as gassy, he was a jerk anyways. Great to see that Sanji and the others had made it to Zou, although now I'm really curious about how they got away from Big Mom.

Phahahaha, Bartholomew gets ignored by Luffy and the others while trying to say farewell in that extreme fanboy way of his. xD

Oh, god. Kanjuro NEEDS to learn how to draw!! What is that pitiful thing that he drew?! That's how they're gonna get up the elephant?! Uh, no, sorry. That thing is gonna break its back and then you guys will fall into the sea and then there will be no more OP for me to read. And something like that can never happen.

Robin, it's not cute! It'll be the death of you!
One Piece 803 Page 5

... Ok, it is kind of cute, now that I look at it. But no! It'll kill you guys!

Holly molly! Dragon! He's in this chapter! Haven't seen this guy in a few hundred chapters.

 Le gasp! What is he doing on that island?! One of Blackbeard's men, Jesus Burgess! Stay tuned! 

Favorite page from 800

One Piece 800 Page 9

This is just too awesome for me to handle right now! 

Friday, January 15, 2016

One Piece Film Gold

Hey there! Anyone else excited for the new OP movie coming out in Japan in July? I know I am!
I have a theory that it'll have Kaido of the Beasts in it, because his bounty pic was in Gold. (Oda be foreshadowing like nothing else, xD)

Happy Sanji Year~! We fans will be learning about Sanji's birth, his background, his parents, maybe perhaps even a last name. (Chapter 812 reveals it, guys! READ IT)

Sanji is my favorite character in OP, so I'm very excited to finally learn more about his past. Oda has given him the most foreshadowing out of any other character, I swear. 

Chapter 802

Chapter 802 

I'm back, and so is this chapter review thing I got going on. So, in this chapter, we got a Samurai Straw-hat cover, colored in and all, the full package. Looks adorable. 

On their way to Zou right now. New World just trying to fuck with them, as there is hail the size of my head. 
XD They don't have a navigator with them! Usopp is done with life. They call someone over the Mushi for their navigation... more like nannying than that. Usopp is yelling at them now and its funny. 

Hahahahahaha, the enitre reaction of the crew and Law about their incompetence. 

Gah, I was not ready to see Kizaru! Why are they talking about Whitebeard, though? He's dead. Wait, what?! A son!? I'm confused about this, he has the beard, sure.... but come on, Whitebeard would have had nothing to do with that midget woman! 

They're gonna hunt down Marco and co?!

Woah, Zou is a huge elephant! I did not see that coming! It´s like the turtle island concept, except an elephant. 

Happy times, happy time reading OP.